Fuck off. Your a n00b, your a stupid kid, and you probably don't even realize what it takes to make flash. Do even know what a "good score" is? I have scores of 3.50+ so no. They don't suck and neither are they overatted. Also my mullet is awesome and expresses my individuallity.
"Duders" suck. And get rid of the mullet. Seriously. It's gross.
TheCriminalDuder (Updated )
Sign-Up Date:
Age: 14
Flash: None
Fuck off. Your a n00b, your a stupid kid, and you probably don't even realize what it takes to make flash. Do even know what a "good score" is? I have scores of 3.50+ so no. They don't suck and neither are they overatted. Also my mullet is awesome and expresses my individuallity.
So yeah know what kid? Grow the fuck up!