Jim got one - so can The Duders!
Blargh! Mullet-man work mode 250%!!!
I'm going to beat my voice actors half to death when they get back from their summer vacations! Do I get to go sailing or camping? Nope! Instead I go joy-riding and party in my hometown for a few days - fun, but the fact remains I'm lonely and un-voice-actor-ness-ed.
I had a lil' Duder series title pic too... :C
(I poped Val in there for some fun. Could add more characters too it, but I'd rather let people discouver all the characters themselfves by watching. :3)
Don't forget to watch The Duders! Enjoy the stupidity!
Oh, hows this? Most people lay off flash or cut back big-time when they go to university and crap like that. Guess what! Their ain't ever gonna be anything like that for The Duders! I work on 'em in both my free and not-so-free time. The Duders is a hobby, a goal, a experiment, my growing baby, and a part of my life!
If you ever need a 13 year old in a duder episode I could voice act for you!...Seriously :D
I'll remember that. ^^