I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 35, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

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Weekly Update & Merchindise Sale!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - September 5th, 2007


I'm back at school right now... Got some cool classes mostly just pissed about not being able to sleep and mostly happy to have a reason to go outside and hang with friends. Anyway me and John have been tryin' to figure out the whole site thing. I'm getting a mastercard this friday. Once that happens I can manage my PayPal, Merchindise Profits, and pretty much all my money a lot easier. We figured we'd make the site completely in flash since it would be easier because we don't have the time but mostly don't feel like makin' HTML's and crap. So we decided with a flash site. Don't worry it won't be entirely flash. We'll have forums and maybe an uploader on it too. The site will be featuring the basics. It'll have lists with links to all 'toons, games, and music. Along with character and real life bios, contact info, online shops, FAQ, history, and regularly updated news posts.

Some poeple say makin' sites with flash is difficult and hard to update but I find it good and "shiney" lookin' and a nice break from the usual HTMLs. :)

Current Projects!

The Duders: Episode 1 was so close to bein' done... 'till my computer crashed and overall screwed up. I lost not only Duders EP 1 but some actual programs such as limewire and one of my anti-viruses. :( Thankfully I didn't lose any other projects. We figured since we're in need of cash it's time we start gettin' back to work on Duder games. So we got 3 Duder games in production right now along with a lil' puzzle game Braydon is whip'n up.

I wanted to hold onto this and make it a surprise but, am too excited!
The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash! A side scroller with simular ol'school platformer gameplay. You play as Jay and have to find your way through 3 levels to get out of a bad drug trip. The game will feature the following:
-Low filesize for fast loading. (May change if we decide to change certaint things but, still should be generally low. EST. Less then 5000KB.)
-Original music made by me (Darryl got lazy.)
-Ending cutscenes with bonus prize if you collect a certaint amount of an item.
-Simple controls
-Funny enemies that you should enjoy running from in fear.

I'm proud of myself for this game actually. Sure I tweened a bit and it features the new style of The Duders that I don't know poeple like or not yet but, the game engine I programmed I'm really proud of. I'm still fixing one glitch but being my first game, I'm really happy and impressed with myself. Though Braydon did help me out a bit with the synax errors and I got help from the Flash Forums too...

Anyway The Duder Episodes aren't on hold. They're just side projects right now that I'm putting a lil' work in from time to time. We're tryin' to get a few good games made, sponsored, and out. We need the publicity and the money!

Personal life!

So tired.... Been barely sleepin'.... Now their's school too.... and I'm liveing off of pickles 'till I get more money.


I've opened a few online shops. I add some more stuff every now and then. I'm in a good mood so I droped the prices of everything down about $0.50-$2.00 for most items. Sure some stuff is more then other flash authors stuff. Maybe by $1.00 but, hey... They're makin' money from sponsorship of their games and prize money of their toons. Plus they probably make a decent amount at they're low prices anyway so they can afford the low prices.

Duder Entertainment Store! (There you can buy all merchindise related to the Duder E. logos and... yeah.)

The Duders Store (There you can buy all merchindise related to The Duders! Some stuff has characters that aren't even in any 'toons yet!)

Making a site and selling merchindise? Don't poeple usually do that AFTER their series or 'toons become popular? Are you some kind of idiot Mr.Mullet-Man?

Yeah, I kind of am. Guess I'm takin' a big risk but hey I have a large amount of confidence in both myself and The Duders. lol I wonder if any famous authors read this or watch any of my stuff... Somehow I can really see them shaking their head at me thinkin' "Oh my...."

(Pic of mass amount of pickles!)(I have 5 whole boxes of 'em!!!)

Weekly Update & Merchindise Sale!



(to long didnt read and wont check for a reply so fruit you)


I lied I have come back, but still havent read it. In your face mother fruiter

Noes! :(

Oh well... To make it short:
I'm still workin' on the same shit,
just now am selling merchindise too.

looking forward to the game, could be canny good! ^^ please say theres like.. halucinations and like... wierd enemies and shit that like... blows your mind that like... the more yo...u g...et. ..st..o.n..e.d. t...h.e.... l...e..s..s. . y..o.u. u..n.d.s.t.and a..d l..k.e s...t.a....r.t.i.n. t....o. s...tar...e. a..t t...he w...ha...shing.... ma..chine... spi..nning .a..d spi..nning .a..d spi..nning .a..d spi..nning .a..d


*wakes up six days later out of drug educed coma*

wow! sorry about! that! yeh just wanted to know if theres gonna be any wierd halucinative game play? that like... blows your mind that like... the more yo...u g...et. (...etc)

Their's some pretty odd enemies. From evil cheese to things I'm not sure of that pop out of the ground. The final boss I think is the oddest thing. I'm workin' hard to get it workin' right now.

I think the music is what will really add to the effect and feel of the game. I'm gonna make some trippy things floating around for the BGs too. :P

you wanna help emos?pm me

Why do I want help emos?

lol lots of pickles

Yup. ^^

ok 2 things
1 thats a fuckin lot of pickiles
2 how did 1 come across that many pickles in the first place...where would some1 even FIND that many pickles?! its phyicodic
3 and dose ur gf like em?
god b with u
<(**<) kirby dance (>**)>

1. Yes it is.
2. I bought a bunch of lil' cucumbers from a store and pickled them.
3. My gf likes my "pickle" more. :)

dont take my kirby shet


ur mom is do $#@&ing hot i love it

...My ma's a hippie but whatever.