Sup NG!
Got some new music for ya.
- Smokin' Marijuana!
- Tonight This World Don't Exist!
Anyone remember that odd song Unsane I made? Well it was the only thing that worked for what I was whippin' together. And here's a music vid (I got my HD cam out and decided to screw around.)
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And before I go I shall wish ya'll a Merry ho ho and much thanks to all who voted on The Duders: Wolfs War! - it got a much better score then I thought it would and the reviews weren't what I expected either - thanks guys!
Oh, there's a few site updates.
First, if you have no clue what the story behind The Duders is when ya watch 'em I heavily suggest checking out the new Duder Bios.
Wanna know how things work in the background of Duder Entertainment? Find out on the Staff page.
And finally I finally got the Article page up. Why not read some of 'em? (I'll add new ones every now and then)
This is my last news post of this year I notice so uh... here's to another good year. This year the Duders won their first award and I'm proud. Maybe '09 will have wonders and treasure in store for me. :3
Big thanks to Duder fans out there and I hope you guys continue to show support.
Alright, I got to LOL with friends and smoke some herb. Peace NG! Enjoy!
smokin marijuana = great song.
Thanks dude! That's awesome!