Sadly theirs this digital music something thingy goin around and some songs aint goin to be on the site no more. A song from the audio portal I used in an old Duder short is part of this thingy and since I dont have the original file and can't remove the song and keep the short up I have no choice but to remove one of my "retro" duder shorts which I adore.
This sucks. I'm very happy I made the switch to using only music made by me and by my friends - nice FREE music with the vibe and feel I want.
If the song was from the AP then I'm pretty sure it's up there to be used in flash submissions without any copyright claim. Unless the uploader uploaded music that wasn't their's.
The author contacted me in a PM. He said he had the right to have it off the site - the site as in Newgrounds. He wanted it off the Audeo portal and the flash portal too since it was in my flash.