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Also Duders Episode 2 was released.
Been writin, animatin, singing, and job/uni huntin' still. Goodies are comin'. I've been inspired to make some games again too especially after bein' bummed out with whats out there lately - no offense to any artist. I ain't near becomin' a programmer or findin' one to help me and divide the moneys with.
Going skydiving again this week possibly.
Episode 3 is on its way.
Getting new glasses.
And my own site dont work for me lately so I'm trying to figure that shit out.
Look at this bud now - Dad and P-Bot want it.
Next blog post will be mad.
HOLY FUCK! This is post 69! Everyone fuck your girl good tonight and make a wish!
yo dat bud is huge
Ya dat bud is a good bud.