Play Mullet-Mans Pickle Quest!
So ya - made a short fun lil' platformer with experimental photo-manipulated art and got the first bit of music experimentation down lately. Hope ya'll enjoy these tasty lil' time consumers sprinkled with hidden laughs and gleeful memories.
I'm trying to get people a 20 minute drive away to get down here where I'm at, to voice act for Duders ep 3 so I can start getin-her-done.
I downloaded Broken Steel for Fallout 3 on my PS3 FINALLY and yes... just... so much... yes.
I'm workin' on a nice get up which will debate in some sort of film in the future I'm also planning on starting my first short film and getting it under production.
Pickle Quest was a fun lil' project. I got to take my old online mullet-king persona and combined it with some other ideas of mine and it worked.
I love pickles. Have a good one Newgrounds. More Duders and goodies comin' soon. Peace for now. (And now I await the delicious smelling chilli Darryl is cooking.)
I'm only commenting here because I heard you were gonna have some chili
I did have a bowl. It was simply glorious chilli. Plump with meat and flavor.