Anyone see my last post? It was filled with a list of my fav Duder toons. For those interested.
Approaching my fourth year already. :O
I'm excited about things - things that will actually come. I still can't believe how much far behind I am from Duders ep2, the original one anyway, being lost the beginning of this year. It seems the force of flash is pushing back or perhaps karma is just munching my ass.
I have an announcement. For those that do not know I have (since May) been turning my garage into a livable home. Digging, framing, roofing, and paying people to do these things. :P Anyway it's coming to finally. Soon I'll be in The Lab. The voice of MTC - and my future roommate plans to unleash his own Youtube show soon. We have lots of plans ready to take action once in there.
I'll make a video about this crazy construction journey to show ya'll.
Me? I'm trying to pay bills, keep goals up, stay motivated or get more, workin' on my book, a game, a episode, a film script, (I refuse to let a day end without putting a few hours in something), and as always I'm thinking a lot.
Questions and comments always welcomed.
Oh shit, was going to end it... this post here, but you see their is an empty bottle of tequila and an empty bottle of wisers black label whiskey, both with stories... I wish to tell, but must resist.
Missed 4:20 today cause I was framing the back wall - well actually I was the gopher boy for my buddy framing it. :P
Peace NG. I've had an eventful day.
I'm back for an edit/update and with something nice.
There is no word for the knowledge - the thing each person gets from psychedelics, the special thing unlocked that lets them perceive differently then others, think without limits, and indescribable self-realizations or epiphanies... so I'll give it a name since no one has.
I can best call it a wisdom and love of life in a purest most mightiest form.
Sophia; the Greek word for wisdom
Eros; the Greek word for love
Zoe; the Greek word for life
Sophiaerozoe (soh-fee-uh-er-ozoh-ee); a wisdom and love of life itself, unlocked by psychedelic drug use.
give my $20 back asshole.
Only if you take the memories away. :P