Featuring the amazing musical talent of Invisibleobserver, Awesome Dan, and Smoking Frog.
With Darryl Featherstone's voice acting skills giving life to MTCaptain, accompanied with my own as supporting character Val.
Play through a total of TEN levels of side scrolling Duder destruction and chaos.
Includes a short and sweet 3 lvl tutorial, 4 bosses including the furious final, HP pick ups, and upgrades and surprises near the end.
Take control of MTCaptain - leader of the Duders, owner of their grow op., grower of good weed, and explosive loving super-soldier.
This time it's different though. No lives, one checkpoint near end, and one MTCaptain.
Will you be able to marathon over half the game and reach the checkpoint?
Will you be able to defeat the furious final boss after?
In The Duders: MTC Cyberspace Assault, you (MTC) are sent into a virtual reality training program designed by Johno with Val's help for MTC... however shortly after getting through part of the game the simulation becomes infected. MTC must complete the simulation despite the virus and get out before the virus begins to jumble his consciousness.
Personal comments - I've been lovin' this game, it's turnin out great, no glitches have surfaced I haven't been able to fix, and the story of MTC bein' in a virtual reality allows me to make all kinds of levels. BAM! Underground. BAM! Skyscrappers. BAM! Desert!
Project Anchorage - the Fallout 3 add on months ago gave me the idea to pop MTC in a simulation pod of my own. Once in the world I made however, my old love of .Hack or Dot.Hack came back - inspiration from the old .Hack games and series. (Not .Hack//G.U.), The game itself is fairly fun, but the story is excellent and enjoyable for everyone. Yes, you'll still find a joint or two in the game to pick up for health so theirs some healthy pot references, but unlike The Duders: Sadistic Sabotage, drugs don't play a role in the story and are rarely mentioned.
(Just cause I toned some things down - doesn't mean I didn't tone some things up! :3)
Oh, right... and it's obviously drawn, animated, and somehow programmed by me.
Keep an eye out. I'm pushin, tryin' and strivin' to get this done this month for ya'll. Also am goin' to try to get sponsorship - maybe Newgrounds will sponsor it!? Eh Tom? Eh? Eh? :D
Squeezing some work in for Duders Ep3 also. Not enough for screenshot worthyness though. The idea is to have it done in the beginin' of next year or during May.
Oh hey, new in the Duder Store - Duder E. Stickers and the Duders: Jay T-Shirt (dark).
And since I've just got another level in Cyberspace Assault done, I will reward myself with some Fat Princess on PS3. Peace NG.
UPDATE DEC 2: My testers tell me its too hard. So I've added checkpoints throughout the game to make things easier. Also be known that the game has an easy learning curve - ya may die a few times but'll get the hang of it quick. Checkpoints are at the end of each boss every 3 lvls.
mullet man is back. yay