Sure I'm looking for work again, didn't really celibate the holidays and just hung out, but I got good vibes in me even though I may not have golden horseshoes up my ass.
Did ya miss any of my work this year?
The Duders: Sword Shavin' - awesome Duder short - only short this year, really shows off my new animation style/skills (if any)
The Duders: Episode 2 - I had to spend 5 months making this motherfucker to have it all lost then spend another 4 close to 5 months remaking it from scratch almost. I could have had a lot more work or at least two more shorts or a good part of ep 3 done by now if I didnt fuck up. But shit happens and I got the ep done eventually this year. Check her out and look forward to the next.
Mullet Mans Pickle Quest - fun lil' game I made to test my platformer engine for MTC Cyberspace Assault. I really like this game. the experimental photo-manipulated art was a lot of fun to fiddle with.
The Duders; Sadistic Sabotage - screwed up cause I'm not a programmer and messed up somewhere so this is more of an interactive short then a game from the game over screen not working. Play it angrily like that or enjoy being immortal Val on shrooms killing shit.
Cute Madness 3 - ya know I'm going to keep making these and they're going to get more violent, more bloody, more crazy, and more insane each year. By 10 I'll start to worry 'bout myself.
MTC CYBERSPACE ASSAULT big project I didnt think I'd finish this year. Originally was workin on this on the sides durring animating the 3rd episode of Duders. Turned out wonderfully. The writing, voice acting, music, and gritty rough Duder art comes together greater then imagined.
Now, I'll be buggin' myself to draw up some arts for the art portal and to help my chances getting into the art portal - because I am just as much as an artist as a lot of people here and I feel I deserve to be in this portal as well - so I'll earn it. So I'll crap out art after art 'til someone spots a good one or enough people do and recommended me for the dang thing.
I've been wanting to try painting again but gotta buy paints or let go and digital paint as odd as it is for a first timer.
FFfffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccc cckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I hope that review for my poetry book gets done soon. Been sitting here waitng for stuff - waiting has been my job. Loggin' onto NG everyday checking - waiting for I don't even know what, something, - waiting for book reviews to start sellin, waiting for electricians for my future home, waiting til cool video games to buy come out, waiting til a good job in the employment part of the paper appears, waiting, waiting, waiting..
Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh........... bOOOOOOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiI IIIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNgggggGG GGGGGG.... I'm slamming back more coffee, then singing some songs, try to draw without my hand shaking at the speed of sound, and do more something, do somethings, no more waiting. Or at least doing somethings until the waiting for whatever is done.
You go do something to. Why are you reading this? How do you know lifes a dream, everythings a dream, and I'm not part of it telling you the go play or do something?
No more waiting - wheres that coffee pot. Oh, there's a bong here too? :)
lol do you have weed mullet man?
I have emotions.
Wow that was completely unrelated. Ya, man, da mullet-man has da good herb brodda, don't forget to sing tis with da Jamaican accent man.
Oh wait fuck, if I was Jamaican I'd be Mullet-Mon.