Bored with whats on the frontpage? Don't be, I got some new vids and still a small growing library of my own flash to entertain ya.
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I'm workin' on Episode 4, along with some funky odd art, a lil' game project in the future possibly, and the set to some internet telivision shows is almost done construction.
Favorite me as an author, favorite Duders as your fav flash, like all my stuff on stumble upon and if it ain' on stumble then discovery it for me, tell one just one of your friends about Duder Entertainment and give me some support by spreadin' it all around.
Music in the works too and always other fun things and treats.
My garage is gettin painted today. In fact I was workin on it this mornin' and headin' out this evenin now to work some more. Pretty soon I will be comin' to you vai Duder Entertainment HQ.