My good friend Devon is makin' multiple beer reviews a day and deserves some recognition for his wondrous work. :)
Do the dude behind the Duders a fav and check him out or sub.
I even make a top hatted appearance in one of his reviews.
Also, episode 4 still on the way, and shorts, and games - as always really. :P
It's slow. Havin' girlfriend and job takes time away. But the work never stops.
No sneak peaks today of newest short - I don't want to spoil it.
By the middle next month (June) the new short will be done. As for ep 4... ask later, 'til then watch ep 3 in all its glory.
My youtubes active lately (if anythings dead its my youtube, but never NG)
Anyways.... I has shots and such and must go. Farewell for now Newgrounds.
I like Guinness extra stout. But I was hoping I could find one without that sorta after-taste. I don't know how to describe it, sour? bitter?
Its like I like the taste of Guinness for the first few seconds but then it leaves a acquired aftertaste.
I like any dutch beer really.