Their's a duder contest thingy happenin'.. check it out. You may like the prizes. :3
Other then that next week me and John will be pullin' a few all-nighters to get the site both fixed, redesigned, and the redesign launched! (finally!)
Current Projects!
Got Duder Ep1 so close to being done! Give me just a lil' more time.
Been bored and takin' breaks from Duder Ep1 to make random duder shorts. Also been gettin' into music lately. Here's something to make your ears bleed.
Me and the guys have been throwing around a lot of Duder game ideas too... looks like I'll have to suffer through more programming. T.T
Personal Life!
I'm single... very depressing............
I got a wee bit more free time then usual next week so I'll have a nice stress-releiving week of lost momeries and who knows what else. I may also cut the mullet soon so I may grow a stronger untainted mullet. (I'm weird. ^^)
I've been very busy the last few weeks with school and my bro kidnapping me. :P
: Duder short screeny - yeah, I'm screwing around with new stuff again. >:3