The best thing to ever come out of the portal.
I remember Tom mentioning a game like this a few months back when me and him were PMing. This game is better then I imagined. Graphics, animation, sound, etc. All perfect. You can see how much effort was put into this and it just blows me alway. Their's a great selection of unique characters. Each is fun to play and each has a great 4 stage story. The arenas are creative and it's fun to see familair places. Their's plenty to unlock and lots of ways to play depending on which character you are. The characters in it were a great choice. Alloy was fun to play and P-Bot being playable was a shock. Salad Fingers moves and story had the David Firth feeling to them and Tankman was the same with the JohnnyUtah feeling.
This is truly the best flash I have ever seen. If this was on any system I would buy it in a heartbeat. If you toke this into 3D and added even more I'd marry this game.
I'd love to see what you guys are going to do next. Perhaps a contest for a new character? Or even a number 2 in a few years from now. I'll say it now even though you already heard it...
This game can/will go big!