I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 34, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,922 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.04 votes
Police Captain
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 27th, 2011

And I thought the Duder Fan Art was good.

Ep 4 part 1 and a Duder short comin before the end of the year.

And here's a pic of some experimental art I'm workin on. Tryin to draw the Duders more like DC or Marvel Comic style but it turned out like this. This is super old but, I want to finish it and colour it. Still need to draw Wolf, Demenius, Scotty, and Kai before colouring. Weird art I know.

Anyways peace for now NG. If anyone makes a youtube vid about me PM or link it in blogs cause it sucks when I discover these 2 years after they've been made.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 11th, 2011

Ya'll should scout me so I can get on the art portal and submit more art. ;3

Also, been listenin' to Duder Podcast? The third one comes soon. Check my latest audio junk for it.

Honestly been sick with a bad flu for over a week and goin to the doc in case theirs a prob in my stomach. Haven't animated much with work lately too. Been huntin for a new job cause Im tired of workin on a gas station on a native reserve, servicing hookers, crackheads, pedos, drunks, and other fucked up products of society.

Ep 4 Part 1 is just one lil' half scene from being done actually. So I got just a lil' bit work left to do and then it should be out.

And now 8 minutes of ridiculousness.

I'm only a few subs on my youtube from 300 so get a subbin' duders.
I'm close to being a faved artiest 100 times on NG here so fav me up.
And I'm debating a Duder fan art contest as the response to suggesting it on my facebook got quite a bit of attention. So get Duder fan arts a goin'!

lol I love how I yap to peeps to sub and fav while I got maybe between 50 to 100 fans top. Though maybe I'm just bein' negative. Have you seen my work? Are you a fan? You should fav and sub. I'll surprise you... I'm good at that. I bet a toon or game or song or vid or mine will crack a smile so go give one a gander.

I get jealous looking at people younger then me or same age's profile and they have a fuckton of attention compared to me and a lot more awards. The awards on this site are tricky to get. Not just a good flash is needed, timing is key to. I think The Duders: Weather only got daily 3rd cause it had roughly 400 votes while the other dailies got 1000 + yet scored lower. The reason it did good is because it was submitted just a few hours short of the cut off of the day. If ya sqeeze in at the end and get voted up ya can snag a trophy. However I'd rather submit it at a good time and have it voted up to a winner not squeezed in.

I'm craving comments and reviews. Everyone should yap to me about my junk. What ya like? What ya hate? I shouldn't ask really... it's up to you. Grr... I feel like a kid who got a candy bar from the store but am greedy and want more.

Who'd like to see me get punched in the head again?
Video of me yappin?
Duder short?
Duder game?

Even if peeps don't lend me support and suggestions then I still have an idea of what direction to go. But I'm not makin' the Duders for myself. I'd really like to be makin' what Duder fans want too. it's difficult to figure out.

k, fuck, gotta end this blog. Can you tell I'm drinkin' coffee? Todays the anniversary of my father passing away so I'm stressed. Maybe I'll write poetry, make a youtube vid, and a podcast too. Might get to animation but, feelin' a lil unmotivated.

Peace for now NG.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 2nd, 2011

My youtube

My facebook

Anyone with a youtube or facebook I'd love to sub and friend with.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - September 24th, 2011


A bit of a rush this year as I didn't start work on it until the 20th, 2 days before the due date. :P

Anyway, I got not just this Duder short, but this one too out.

Check out my flash, theirs a lot there to see and more comin'.

Also boots.

Been makin podcasts too so give those a gander if ya got the time.
Goin to update my website soon. Keep watching. Review and comment too.

Peace guys! Have a good one!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - August 25th, 2011

Today I wake up and realize I only made 2 shorts this year and have drastically been very non-productive with this Duder Entertainment gig. So therefore I'm finishin' ep4 part ASAP.

For those who do not no last year I was broke looking for work at the edge of homelessness. Then Luis, BoMie, and Hans all made this gem to help me out - and help it did.

I wasn't workin for almost 3 months and had major debt and now I've been working for almost 8 months and am finally catching up and even gettin' a lil' play money now and then. Other then workin' hard pumpin' gas at a gas station for my day job I've been lovin' my beautiful girlfriend. However, I must say that I am sad to seem to have died online here.

Sorry. I haven't been able to focus on anything Duder with work and girlfriend. I suppose they do take time, so I am now makin' time for NG again. 5 years I've been here. Half a decade of Duder and it ain't even started yet. :3

Expect more soon.

Also I've been faved as an artist 63 times. 27 more and I break 100. C'mon guys show me some love. ; )

And if ya haven't seen The Duders, start checkin' 'em out! I got over 40 flash toons and games of 'em.

Peace for now peeps!

(Balls, wanted to post this at 4:20, was 10 mins short)

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - July 11th, 2011


Here ya go guys! Enjoy! Sorry I didn't have it out sooner (like 5 months ago)

Also ep5 is coming...

And now gentlemen of Newground-land!

Me getting knocked out!

And slamming beer in 2.3 seconds

And have a wonderful and awesome day!


Posted by TheCriminalDuder - May 28th, 2011


My good friend Devon is makin' multiple beer reviews a day and deserves some recognition for his wondrous work. :)
Do the dude behind the Duders a fav and check him out or sub.
I even make a top hatted appearance in one of his reviews.

Also, episode 4 still on the way, and shorts, and games - as always really. :P
It's slow. Havin' girlfriend and job takes time away. But the work never stops.
No sneak peaks today of newest short - I don't want to spoil it.

By the middle next month (June) the new short will be done. As for ep 4... ask later, 'til then watch ep 3 in all its glory.

My youtubes active lately (if anythings dead its my youtube, but never NG)

Anyways.... I has shots and such and must go. Farewell for now Newgrounds.


Posted by TheCriminalDuder - January 21st, 2011

Comp was down right after I got my job at Lil' Ceasers. Been nice but, may be getting a second job soon cause I ain't gettin' as many shifts as I need. But, I'm doin' good. Still am greatly thankful for what BoM and Luis did.

Got some stuff comin' out soon. Also writing my second poetry book and my first novel. Haven't made Duder shorts for a bit, and had some ideas, lookin' forward to seein' em. Once I got my an animation done I'll make a front page blog.

Until then stay awesome NG and I ain't dead. (In fact I feel quite popular lately. :3)
Peace Duders!

Man, is it nice havin' a workin' computer.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 16th, 2010

So after months of searching I snagged a job a Lil' Ceasars Pizza.
I'm training right now for the next bit but, man it's good makin' money again and the works kind of fun.

Anyway I'll be workin' on 2 Duder shorts and Ep 4 part 1 this month.
I've been inspired to get goin' on my first novel again and maybe write a second poetry book.

Overall I'm quite happy right now and write more, but rather drink with my girlfriend and celibate right now.


/* */
Peace NG! <3
More to be posted later.

lol EDIT: I celebrated not celibated hahaha also I love you guys.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - November 26th, 2010

So if not for the help of Newgrounds I would not be living in my house right now and be on the street.
If not for this awesome game those awesome people made I wouldn't have the money for rent this month.

It's kind of funny - welfare didn't come through, my own government didn't come through - in fact it fucked me over and left me alone to die on the street in the future, but Newgrounds came to my aid. Really this shit should be in a newspaper or something. Years ago NG started and had games where you assassinated celebrities and overall cool shit that some found offensive, honestly I love the controversial stuff here - I always felt NG had a bad boy vibe and it's not funny random toons like Egoraptors Awesome stuff, or Jazza's amazing Larry and Paladins series, or even Adam Phillips Bitey, no no no, to me NG is V-Tech Massacre, Assassination, Pico's school, Crazy Shuttle, and other goodies like games or vids where the Powerpuff girls die, get raped, or murdered horribly.

So it's amazing that a site that once was known for the most offensive and funny flash animations nearly a decade ago can now be used to help people in positions such as myself. And for that - I thank ya with all my heart NG. (To thank the men who made the game who saved me would take many blog post worth of words)

Anyway I applied for welfare which hasn't gotten back to me, and been handing out 15 - 20 resumes roughly everyday. Had about 3 interviews so far and felt they went great. Wish me luck Duders of Newgrounds.

Got a big credit card bill cause I needed to use it to get me some food to eat this month. But, ya... I have confidence and am sure it'll all turn out well.

Today my girlfriend and I went to an awesome sushi place, it was the best hang over sushi ever. We got coffee from starbucks too. <3

Workin' on two Duder shorts and new videos. Ep 4 is still due this year don't worry.

And I'm on a different medication cause the first had bad effects on me. But on my break between my meds I CAN DRINK!

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and do comedy

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And watch my friends do salvia

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Have a good one guys! PEACE!