I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 35, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,954 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.05 votes
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - July 17th, 2008

I figured I'd post a lil' treat here for any Duder fans or flash-addicts that happen to pop over on my userpage here for a visit.

Not only is The Duders episode 2 coming soon (it's lookin' great BTW), but a new Duder game that's totally gonna make all the other Duder games look like cow-shit.

SpamBurger is my savior/programmer. Check out that Audio Game of his and send him a PM asking for cock pics.

Check out one of the MTC animations if the screeny below isn't enouph of a lil' peak as to whats to come.

Oh... ya I changed the look for The Duders agian... ^^;
Nothin' much, just the eyes are simpler and I've finally figured this and that out. I've never been this happy with the duders so I think this look is gonna stick. Theirs a better look at Scotty, Val, and Wolf on my last post.

So... umm... like... I'm gettin' a haircut for the fist time in who knows how long at the end of this month. Figured that if the cut turns out bad I have a month for it to grow and get better, but if it looks good, then I got no worries. Basically though, the mullet just may lose an inche or two.

Alright that's all I got for now. Go run around NG there's lots of stuff here. I should know I spend too much time here when I should be animating. :P
Peace poeple!

UPDATE: Sorry (I hate long ass blog posts too)
My buddy/boss Phil moved duder entertainments server to vancouver. It's runnin' a lot faster now.

Even More Coming Soon!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - July 5th, 2008

Sup guyz! :3

I was bored this week and went on an amazing mind-opening journey... shrooms are freakin' crazy.

Anyways The Duders Ep. 2 is comin' soon! All the guys were bored of voice acting for Duder Shorts so we decided to start working on episodes again and plan on working on 'em for a while.

I'm gonna go play Rock Band now. I've upgraded to Expert difficulting when singing now. ^^
Lot's of neat stuff on NG right now - ya'll better check it all out.

/* */
I hate Youtube, but I love Soundgarden and this song.
Peace. : )
(Duder Ep. 2 screeny for you. <3)

Howdy, The Duders Ep. 2 Comin' Soon!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - June 2nd, 2008

Howdy ya'll! Just wanted to give a good shout out of thanks accross NG for all the views and "friendly" suggestions ya guys made for MTC: Plane Blastin'!
Also, in case ya missed it theirs a new Duder short - The Duders: Huntin' Time!
More toons/games comin' soon this summer. Just gotta get this graduation thing out of the way.

Enouph 'bout the Duders though. Their's some sweet-ass stuff out there right now.
This makes me lol and I adore the shots - especially the reflection shot.
BoMtoons and ZeeBarf have some awesome new games! DING! BING!
Fans of PORTAL will love this I'm sure. : )
And now I must admit... instead of animating I've been playin'

this gem lately... (I will forever have nightmares of the Happytron! :C)

I wish I had more fan arts for Duder E.'s Fan Art Page. :3
Also, I caught a few possums a few weeks back and last saturday I went to my cousins wedding. (First wedding I've ever been too.) This tuesday I have a funeral of a friend who commited suicide to go to, which will be difficult. SO I'm posting this now as I'm sure the rest of my weeks goin' to be filled with shit.

Don't forget to watch The Duders! <3 ya NG!
Peace! ^^

Thanks and Stuff!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - May 19th, 2008

The Duders: Huntin' Time! is done and in the portal.
A new Duder game will be following in the next few days. :3

Also, I got my PS3 fixed and Darryl has been playin' the shit outa Rock Band!

I'm bored yet really happy!
I <3 you NG! Just like Drunk Luis <3's me. :3

Oh... I screwed 'round with the site again too. :P
Now I'm off to rape more poeple with love and emoticons! >:3
Don't forget to watch The Duders! ^^

Update: New game is here. Enjoy!
Update2: Tryin' out this Armorbot things highscore thingy... View the one for the newest Duder game here!

Hey why don't ya'll recommend a Duder toon for a collection. It breaks my mind why a Duder toon hasn't been added at least to the drugs collection.. especially this one. :/

New Duder Short & Game! ^^

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - April 28th, 2008

get a lil' higher.

/* */
I'm not from the U.S., but ya get the idea.

Anyway, same shit. Workin' on Duder shorts and games while jugglin' school. Been doin' things to the site every now and then too. Join the forums, watch the toons, obey the mullet, etc. etc.

Also, I was bored and drew(or traced, then modified) a Beatles Sea Of Science poster, then drew 'em like The Duders. Figured it be a fun lil' poster to pop in a characters room.

That's all. Peace.

We all need to...

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - April 10th, 2008

FINALLY the site is up! ...well somewhat anyway. :P
I still got a few pages to finish and one or two to make, along with prettyin' it up with some nice pics once my digital-cam works again. Anyway check it out if ya'd like. It's nothin' special, though I am amazed that I actually figured out how this site stuff works and got somethin' done.

I got a few Duder shorts in the works, one lookin' real good. :3
Other then that I've been screwin' 'round with Swift 3D, which is pretty simple to use after a few tuts. I've been workin' on a game (shit, I lost) once and a while which is turnin' out neat. Lookin' forward to submitting my next flash cause I wanna try out that Flash Ad thing.

I also got my second NG shirt in the mail yesterday. (Newgrounds Logo - Black)

'Kay now I gotta get back to work on both school and flash. Peace guys. Rock on! :P

P.S. I'd really love some more fan art to pimp out the Fan-Art page with. : )

Update: Released a stupid new Duder Short. ^^

Website finally up & recent activities! ^^

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 26th, 2008

Hai guyz!
If your a lazy-little-Larry, here's it all summed up in point form... I was sick, am now better, working on Duder Shorts, and thank you NG for everything.

So ya I had Acute Bronchitis throughout most of the end of Feb. and beginin' of March. Then durring spring break that got worse due to unknown mold on my walls makin' me sicker. Eventually it turned into Pneumonia after seein' a chest X-ray.

I'm better now thanks to an inhaler and pills and blah blah blah. Still have a bad couph and crap, but I'm fine.

Now for somethin' ya may actually care about!

Justin suggested that I make an intro for Duder Shorts. So ya, after writing, composing, and gettin' a crunked Darryl to sing... BAM! (No preloader but only 213 kb, so ya should be good.)

I'll probably touch it up more and more over time, I wanna pimp out the back wall with TAGs and junk. So if ya got a decent TAG ya want me to plug in their let me know vai PM, comment, etc.

I'm not up to much really. Got a bunch of scripts and are whippin' up some storyboards.
Got a totally awesome Duder Short in the works!!! /cue girlish scream of joy.

Anyway, I'm gettin' my huntin' license soon to get out of the actual house. So just in case I'm not around I might as well get this off my chest.
I just want to personally thank a few poeple.

I'd like to thank everyone who watches the Duders or even just watched one of 'em even if they didn't like it.
I'd like to thank the small but totally awesome group of Duder fans. (All what... 5 of you? lol)
Thank you reviewers, even the annoying kids, feedbacks feedback and I appreciate you taking your time.
A big thank you to the Flash Reg Lounge for a) putting up with me and my crazy pickle eating mullet manness and b) being cool and helping me find my home on NG.
A special hick thanks to BoMie for awesome advice, inspiration, and confidence.
And then one to The Beard and all of NG's staff for givin' a lazy-ass stoner criminal like me a place to actually "exist" so to speak and for supporting The Duders for the last year or so.

Oh, and I bought my second NG shirt today. The Stores turnin' out pretty nice. Can't wait to see it filled up with even more stuff and peni-pals. :3
Oh, and one more thing... I'm pretty sure The Beard beats The Mullet, I'd like to see what you guys think. :)

Lung Problems, Duder Shorts, and Mullets! (Oh My!)

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 12th, 2008

Life great ain't it?
Anyway, I made some stupid yet fun lil' thing while screwing around with movement on slopes and character selection type crap. Nothing special, but I thought it was need and I've already started turning that mini-beta-engine-thingy into somethin' else, for somethin' a lot cooler!

Me and the guys have been bored and somewhat overwhelmed with work, school, classic high school drama, and russian redheads(<3). We thought for a fun change of pace we'd switch and spend a few days makin' up new designs for Duder merchindise.

Ding! <= Their's a linky in that there blog post where you can see some crappy ol' thrown together MTC Duder store we quickly whipped up as a test, to see how the thing works.

"WTF? Duder merchindise? Dude... you don't even have a series page. Why?"

Cause whenever me or the guys or any of us is bored for that matter we do what we want to do. Wheither its makin' a toon, game, design, website, apple bong, gravity bong, beer bong, etc. etc. etc.

Oh right, I made one or two more music loops too I think. Just check the "Latest Audio Submission" thing and blah blah blah...

......hey look Mullet King fanart in pixels! By: Good ol' Horner!

Sup NG Poeples!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 11th, 2008

Buy somethin'!

There's a sneak peak at crap to come.
MTCaptain fans outta love this. :3

So ya.... me and the guys are going over a bunch of designs and shit for merchindise. We're all bored and wanna take a break from toons, games, and site stuff.

Expect some redesigned and new stuff.
Also spring breaks next week, this means ya'll better get off your ass and keep an eye out for a duder short, game, or even maybe an episode!


Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 1st, 2008

I've been up late this weekend workin' on this lil' game here.

Click the lil' black arrows by the giant "?"'s to toggle through the character selection. Ya can either pick Johno or MTCaptain right now. Once the characters are picked click the black arrow on the side. That'll take you to a test level. You can run around, jump, etc.

arrow keys - movemet
shift = push/attack

p2: D, R, F, G - movement
capslock = push/attack

Looks like it's comin' along nicely eh? The animations are fun and no problem. Eventually I wanna finish and upgrade this engine one day into a duder beat 'em brawler game. Course that's still a ways away as half the programming I do I don't understand. :P

The way this ones going it's probably going to be chucked like other games. Either that or I'll get too pissed at the coding and leave it alone for a month or two. None the less the sprite animations are reusable. I'm very tempted to make a Johno game as poor Johno has the least duder screen time. :*(

I'm having a good day today though, sure I got lil' sleep... but it's a very pleasent and peaceful day. :3