I figured I'd post a lil' treat here for any Duder fans or flash-addicts that happen to pop over on my userpage here for a visit.
Not only is The Duders episode 2 coming soon (it's lookin' great BTW), but a new Duder game that's totally gonna make all the other Duder games look like cow-shit.
SpamBurger is my savior/programmer. Check out that Audio Game of his and send him a PM asking for cock pics.
Check out one of the MTC animations if the screeny below isn't enouph of a lil' peak as to whats to come.
Oh... ya I changed the look for The Duders agian... ^^;
Nothin' much, just the eyes are simpler and I've finally figured this and that out. I've never been this happy with the duders so I think this look is gonna stick. Theirs a better look at Scotty, Val, and Wolf on my last post.
So... umm... like... I'm gettin' a haircut for the fist time in who knows how long at the end of this month. Figured that if the cut turns out bad I have a month for it to grow and get better, but if it looks good, then I got no worries. Basically though, the mullet just may lose an inche or two.
Alright that's all I got for now. Go run around NG there's lots of stuff here. I should know I spend too much time here when I should be animating. :P
Peace poeple!
UPDATE: Sorry (I hate long ass blog posts too)
My buddy/boss Phil moved duder entertainments server to vancouver. It's runnin' a lot faster now.