I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 35, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,954 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.05 votes
Police Captain
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 26th, 2008

I was bored and uploaded a bunch of new smileys and poped in some google ads on the Duder Entertainment Forums. I still gotta add some other new smileys and open and resave 'em all so the white bit of the image turns transparent.
If ya haven't registered for the forums yet please do. I won't lie, their deader then dead, but hey maybe you'll lurk around and out of the 58 Total Topics and 833 Total Posts ya may find something that will either break you or make you lol.

Current Projects!
Theirs one(two?) duder shorts I should really get off my ass and finish. Most of the games are on hold as I hate programming and am still lookin' for a coder. The script for Duders Ep2 is much better then the last one. I got the screenplay for it done too. All I got left is the storyboard sometime and then get the voice acting done for it. After that I'll start production.
I'm mainly just chillin' and workin' on flash 2-5 hours a day, mostly just doodlin', practicin' drawin', and workin' on Duder sprites for a Duder games.

Personal Life!
Not next weekend, but the one after is my birthday... porn will no longer be forbidden and lose all value...
Anyway, ya... my body is killin' me thanks to fitness testing in my strength and conditioning class. Thankfully medical herbs can solve that problem.

Cannabis Culture is a great magazine, I made a new Duder short, and a new music loop for it out of the sake of randomness.
Actually I honestly think that newest Duder short is a stepping-stone or whatever they're called as its the first one with more then one BG and multiple shots. I really like the shoulder-shot of Val and Scotty. :3

And finally... Johnny Horner I want your babies.


Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 11th, 2008


Me and John are still workin' on the site, we kinda ran into some problems so we're putting some parts on hold, but don't worry we're still workin' on the site.

Current Projects!

Workin' on one duder short written by both me & Justin, an MTCaptain shooter, and an MTCaptain side scrolling shooter thingy.
I got a lot other stuff but those are the main three I'm focusing on right now. I got even more planned. :P

Personal Life!

Me & Justin also made our first Gravity Bong today. It's been years since I've smoked from one. :3
Other then that school seems to be a bit of a pain. I'm gettin' more and more homework everyday. :*(

If their are any programmers out there that would be interested in helping me code some games or code 'em by 'emselfves and are interested in a 50/50 in the rewards for sponsored games Please drop me a PM.

Update & New Stuff Comin'!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - January 27th, 2008

Their's a sad, sad, sad, lonely lil' Duder contest coming to an end soon unless more poeple decide to enter. :3
Also: Me and John have already started work on the site. It'll be both fixed and redesigned within the next week. (Hopefuly...)
So we won our first reward... :*)
I'm quite happy, this came unexpected, but in the good way. Even though I kind of lucked out big time by winning Daily 3rd as it was a slow day and below-average day. No offense to anyone, all the others were great. Daily 1st to 10th place were awesome flashes. I suggest checking 'em out. :)

Current Projects!
The Duders Ep1 is goin' to be done soon. Funny as it's a lil' bit different art style as the one I'm currently using. After EP1 I'll be strictly the style of The Duders: Weather, I feel that with that FBF/Tween style-thingy I can work with and make even better somehow.
Other then that I have another short or two in the works along with a game. ^^

Personal Life!
I'm still pretty happy 'bout that award. Feels like a great way to start off the year and feels great to finally get an award after a solid year of work and practice. :) Seeing duders finally on the front page.. brings me so much joy.
I guess umm... being stoned on NG is somewhat of a bad idea judgeing by my own stupidity shown on the forums. :P

Special Thanks!
To all the poeples who voted, supported, helped, and are just plain awesome! Thanks guys! It means a lot. <3

Shit, I gone and made this too long and boring. Sorries! :(

And now me and my bro shall continue our normal activities.
Pic unrelated.

Update & woot award! ^^

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - January 23rd, 2008

Their's a duder contest thingy happenin'.. check it out. You may like the prizes. :3
Other then that next week me and John will be pullin' a few all-nighters to get the site both fixed, redesigned, and the redesign launched! (finally!)

Current Projects!
Got Duder Ep1 so close to being done! Give me just a lil' more time.
Been bored and takin' breaks from Duder Ep1 to make random duder shorts. Also been gettin' into music lately. Here's something to make your ears bleed.
Me and the guys have been throwing around a lot of Duder game ideas too... looks like I'll have to suffer through more programming. T.T

Personal Life!
I'm single... very depressing............
I got a wee bit more free time then usual next week so I'll have a nice stress-releiving week of lost momeries and who knows what else. I may also cut the mullet soon so I may grow a stronger untainted mullet. (I'm weird. ^^)
I've been very busy the last few weeks with school and my bro kidnapping me. :P

Duder short screeny - yeah, I'm screwing around with new stuff again. >:3

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 30th, 2007

Just whippin' up a short bio for the duder flash contest.

Let's start things off from left to right by this pic down there.

On the far left with the big nose is Johnno. He's the dude the lives infront of his computer. He likes furry and worships the "almighty melon on the stick."

The dude in the red with the spikey hair is Wolf. He's your classic punk/rebel that enjoys kicking babies and drinking.

The hick with the red facial hair is Val (short for Valentine). He's a hick, an idiot, a complete stoner, and a huge hentai fan.

The man with the clothe covering his face is MTCaptain. He's a crazy acid-tounged soldier who likes blowing stuff up.

The dude in the white shirt and cowboy hat is Scotty. He's an emo cowboy that really doesn't talk all that much...

The large guy is Demenius. He's a satanist and long-time student of the dark arts. However he's quite kind and gentle.

The lil' guy on the far right is Shanemen. He's a gay nerd that is scared of women and acts like an elementry school brat.

Any questions just ask. I'm aware that it's mainly been MTCaptain and Val in most duder toons right now. So I suggest you just work with them.

Duder Bios.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 25th, 2007

Still workin' on the redesign of the site. Everyones kind of taking a break for the holidays and crap, for those who celibrate it anyway.

Current Projects!
Duders Ep1 still in the works. I ran into some snags so it'll either be done a day or two before the month ends or sometime in the next month.
I also may whip up a duder short as an excuse to use my new mic and take a break from duders ep1.

Personal Life!
I'm tired... most likely from the parties I've been going to.

Yes, I know... such an exciting update. :P
Keep watching the stupidity that is the duders and join the Duder Entertainment Forums. :3

Weekly Update.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 18th, 2007

John... is currently working on the redesign of duderentertainment.com and trying to fix errors and junk with it. While I'm trying to get a bunch of crap together and drawn for the site. :P
We're also got the duder entertainment forums and redone too with new color schemes and some new icons added. We're adding a few new smileys sometime and thinking up a new banner... might even have an art contest for it.
Me and Neeko(one of the forum admins and a totally awesome dude) have been thinking about having art and flash contests in the forum. I already got a collab going and I'm impressed. Even though their'll probably be like 3 poeple that actually make something I'm proud at how much the Duder E. Forum community is so supportive and junk. All like 10 active members out of the 24. :P

Current Projects!
Just released a stupid yet evil parody about the vancouver olympic mascots that I made for school. I'm surprised... I thought it would get a 2.70 to 2.90 score but 3.09... wow....... NG I love you.
This be the last week of school then 3 weeks off for winter vacation whichs means me bustin' my ass getting The Duders EP1 finished and maybe some other stuff too. :3

Personal Life!
Got my "habits" under control and now that my heads more clear then usual I seem to rabble on more and more.... probably either bugging or amusing the regs at the good ol' reg lounge. ^^
Anyway I got a shitload of school work for this week and catch up for winter break to do. I'm not sleeping much either. :*(
However some good news is a play I wrote was performed this monday and will be agian this thursday. I'm very proud of the grad 10 actors who performed in it. They all did a wonderful job and were simply adorable.

And now I leave you with a cute pic of my beloved puppy beefcake and a
linky to a funny vid featuring me and some cool cats from NG. :3

Oh Snap! Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 10th, 2007

John's being lazy so I just edited the forums myself and changed a few things here and there, along with upload more icons on it. Site's still broken... it'll be a while as SOMEONE is a lil' lazy right now.... we got to both fix it and redesign it as an HTML. :S

Current Projects!
Released the first flash/live action mix: The Duders: MTC and Val's Epic Adventure! I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it. ^^
It twas a side project me and Darryl whipped up one night. Anyway, now it's back on Duders Ep1 and a school project.

Personal Life!
I'm taking a wee break from smokin' weed for a week or so... I just need me head a lil' clearer.
Also: I'm being voted the "Most Insane Reg" so far it seems... go vote for me! <3

Finally... I encourage ya'll to join the Duder Entertainment Forums! :3

Weekly Update & Forum improvement.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 3rd, 2007

John's on a vacation and with him gone we can't fix the site and a bunch of other stuff. We got a gallery and a redisign planned for the site but without John we're doomed... mainly because I'm too lazy to learn HTML. :P
Also: We got the Duder Entertainment Forums up and runnin'. We're fixing a weird bug and slowly adding more and more icons to it - we're pretty much redisigning it as it runs. I encourage ya'll to join the forums. We got a good few members already...... Their's a hentai board... ;)

Current Projects!
Just released a new Duder game which features a character I haven't used before. Anyway I made it out of boredum mainly for the sake of more programming practiced. Turned out nicely I think. :3
'Kay other then that I've just been working on The Duders Episode one. In 3 weeks I'm off school for a full month for winter vacation. I'm definaltly going to work my ass off and get-r-down in that time.

Personal Life!
Their was a short snow storm and a tree ended up falling on my dear mothers blazer. :(
I got to stay home from school to help clean it all up though. ^^
Finally... Assassin's Creed may be the best game I've played in a long time. Seriously it's pretty amazing check it out.

Also... this Yule I'm hopeing for a Duders series page. :3 (Totally not giving Tom any ideas...)

Weekly Update & Tree's being mean...

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - November 17th, 2007

Me and John are getting a bunch of things for the site figured out. Expect to see a gallery with some pics up soon. Along with updates to the media page.

Current Projects!
Me and the guyz are going over a bunch of ideas for new future games. Expect in 2008 these games...
-An MTCaptain side-scrolling shooter aka Metal Slug Clone. :P
-A Duder fighting game -- somethin' Soul Caliber/Mortal Kombat-ish.
-Full-out side scrolling adventure game created by all of us. We're makin' it a serious project to see what we can do if we push ourselfves.
Everything is on hold but Duders Ep 1. I've been workin' on it a lot. Want an example?
I woke up this mornin' at 4 AM and worked on it till 11 PM then had a break to eat/watch hentai-I mean research animation...

Personal Life!
My sis came out of the closet and admitted to being cocaine addict this weekend! So obviously this completely fucked me up! I'm also stressed to the shit thanks to a bunch of other shit I don't want to talk about!


UPDATE: Yeah... I was really bored and needed a break from current projects. So I made a stupid lil' Hentai Game. lol it was at a 3.17 and is already being voted down by the anti-hentai poeples.

Weekly Update & Shit.