The History Of The Mullet
From age 1 to 12 I had lovely blonde shaggy hair, however I hated the bangs so I get a classic army style flat top. At 14 I started growing it again and had a long haired rocker look. I eventually went in to a hair dresser one day and got the bangs cut - walked out and didn't even realize I had a mullet.
After that I supported the mullet for a good 4 years (5 if you count its growing process)
I had a short mullet, a shaggy mullet, spiked mullet, bit of momullet (mullethawk - mullet + mohawk), and a completely insane super mullet near the end.
The mullet was the source of a lot of jokes and convorsation with my friends both off and online. Funny lil' characters like "The Mullet King" spawned which brought smiles and confusion. Val - the character I voice on the Duders has a killer mullet too.
Though the mullet never was as popular as Tom's beard or anything - it still had a damn good run dispite not having any flash tributes made. The song Mr. Mullet-Man would be the peak of it's popularity I guess. I was mentioned in the Flash Reg Lounge Song too. The reg lounge is sweet and I'm still loved without the mullet.
Oh, so ya... it was cut by my ex-girlfriend from high school who I've been hanging out with a lot lately. :3
Pics for proof.