I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 34, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,950 / 9,340
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.05 votes
Police Captain
Global Rank:
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - April 20th, 2009

We're gettin' serious. :3
Shit will be done and released soon.

Darryl also has green hair now. Seperate blog post about this comin' in the near future.

HAPPY 4/20 NG!

Duder Entertainment SPECIAL announcement!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 28th, 2009


Workin' on a new Duder game featurin' the lovable mullet supporting hick - Val!
I will mention nothin' of the game except that you're Val in a warehouse fighting B.A.D. Industries once again... and your weapons change throughout the game. :3

ALSO, my spring break has come, slapped my ass a bit, and left. Duders Ep2 I am goin' to try to get done before April 20th though I won't rush it. This March (my b-day month - YAY!) I plan on investing in a large amount of energy drinks and/or coffee. I'll be eatin' my grilled cheese, smokin' my herb, feelin' hyper as all shit, and just unload on that mofo-flash. It will be done - it will be glorious!

In other random news...
MTCaptain is goin' to be a daddy! Everyone congradulate our favorite acid-tongue buddy.

March 8th is my 19th b-day. (I get to start bootin' booze for the young ones. :P)

Portal Defenders is here! :O My flash reg peeps BoMie and Luis are at thanks for this one. If ya haven't played it yet - play it now.

Oh my gosh! New junk on DuderEntertainment.com too! I wrote a 1,300 word short-essay for philosophy class, but missed my due date. Decided to bloody make use of it somehow so the work wasn't a waste so I poped it on the site. Are We Free? - Explorering the concept of free will, us being free beings, and some stuff on libertarianism.

MY WISDOM TEETH WERE REMOVED! My face hurt much for the majority of last week. Got my stitches token out the other day. I missed eating chewy food like cheese, and grilled cheese, and left over spaghetti... baked with cheese. Anyway I got this annoying puss or white nasty tasting fluid that keeps spraying or drainin' out of part of my mouth. It's gross - I try to sleep and I taste this junk. Man am I happy I had a fuck-ton of hash to help me sleep the last bit.

Alright so like, a new Duder short may appear soon unless I can drag a certain person over to my house for voice actin' then ya might see a Duder game instead. Either way Duder stuff incoming to the portal in the very near future. Hehe, next Duder short will be Duder Short number 22 - that means theirs already 21 episodes of Duder shorts! :O Holy panda in pajamas... feels just like the other day I was animating the first Duder shorts. :3

Incoming Duder shorts, games, and Ep 2!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 23rd, 2009

Chill with the now around you.
Forget the what outside your sight.
The universe -
An enormous canvas woven wondrously by divine fate,
Mapped and sculpted similar to a tiny human brain cell.
The snow diving down and around me -
Are pieces of a white beach of ice in the sky -
Falling farther and farther into the cement sea.
The sunshine felt warm and sweet on my tongue.
It was like dry sand mixed with sugar.
A breath of the days light to wake my mind.
Life is samples of lively memories granted reasonable colour.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 14th, 2009

Ever wonder what the scripts I write for those crazy Duder shorts of mine look like?
Probably not, but here's a behind the Duders look anyway!

Who liked The Duders: Sword Shavin'? It got a decent score for NG so I guess it's an okay one.
Anyways here's the script........


Cut: Pans right showing Val and Wolf chillin on the couch smoking joints.

Wolf: Hey, you remember that time you tried sword shaving?

Val: Sword-shavin' eh?

Cut: Val in corner baked as fuck remembering.

(Thought clouds appear over Val's head)

(Val appears in cloud in bathroom holding a sword near his face.)

Val: Easy... easy...

(Val strikes with the sword and his beard puffs perfectly trimmed.)

Val: Fuck ya!

(A chunk of Val's cheek falls to the floor with a bop and he begins to bleed.)

Val: Lame.

(Clouds pop away and Val looks back at Wolf)

Cut: Original shot of Wolf and Val

Val: Sword-shavin' hurts.

(Jay floats by in the BG on a cloud. Theirs a box on his cloud with him.)

Jay: Wow... holy tits guys, this cloud totally rocks.
Elliot/Box: One of you dumbshits let me out of this box!
Jay: No mister space phantom ninja - you stay in your box.


Wolf: Yeah. Know what else hurts? Flying swords!

(Wolf throws a sword at Val and Val's beard and stash is cut clean off and falls to the floor.)

Val: Fuck you doin'?

(Val looks shocked and then reaches down and slaps his facial hair back on his face.)

Cut: Close up of freaked out Wolf

Wolf: That's just fucked up.

Cut: Back to full shot

Val: Wonder what fire-shavin' is like...
(Val lights his facial hair on fire with a lighter)

Val: Huh, neat.


(Wolf reaches around and grabs a bag of Marshmallows and a poker thingy)

Wolf: Mind if I cook marshmallows over you...?

Val: No way! Let's make s'mores!

Cut: "S'MORES <3" screen for few seconds.

Cut: Credits with music


Neat? Boring? Why the fuck ya show me this? How baked was I when I wrote it?
Hope someone found that neat. Happy Valentines day guess.

This day is special wanna know why? The "main" character of The Duders - Val, his name is named after this day. When I was in middle school I never got a date so everyone gave me the nickname "Valentine" to make fun of how I didn't get a date - it wasn't mean, it was a joke amoung friends. Anyway "Val" is short for "Valentine" if ya didn't guess. The characters full name is Valentine Edward Hudson - but his friends call him Val for short.

Everyone remember this lil' stoner with his mullet and goatie this day eh? :3

UPDATE: Got a scene for Duders Ep2 done today. Only 8 more. 1 out of 9 done. I'll be startin' work on another scene either tonight or tomorrow.

A behind the Duders glance.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 13th, 2009

I'm happy today.
It's been a good day. Bought Rock Band 2 and Overlord: Raising Hell for PS3.
Gettin' myself some hash today too. Called up my buddy around the afternoon and learned he was whippin' up some home-made-hash. Yum, yum. :3

Anyway I'm goin' all out on the animations. Duders Ep2 will still be released before April 20th - I original set that goal thinking "Yeah, for sure that's enough time to get-her-done." Sucks that I'm remaking but, it's cool. Gives me a chance to add this and that.

Who exicted 'bout ep2? I am. :3

Another day another scene of Duders Ep2.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 12th, 2009

CS4 is absolute shit!
Sure it looks fancy and it has a super custimizable workplace but, the new way of tweening is BS and a HUGE time waster. They've made it so fucking complicated just to tween your Cam around - not only that but, good luck finding a cam that works.
It's insanely slow and crashes without warning often too.

CS3 is much better. I can tween my cam, clear keyframes, FBF animate quick and painlessly, etc.
It allows for faster work output meaning ya can get more work done and in a smaller time period.

As an artist I am VERY unhappy with it.
As a nerd I am down right pissed off at it for failing so bad.
As someone who expects actual BETTER programs when new versions come out - I am very disappointed.

Big sorry to ya Dan. I tried to make it work - at first it seemed pretty good, it does a have a few nice things, but the BS of this program far over powers the ability to actual use it.

I personally am going back to CS3 and don't plan on even thinking about CS4 ever.
Anyone planning to get CS4 in hopes of a better flash program which will improve animation or make it easier... DON'T! Just stick to CS3 - it's fast, reliable, still has a fancy feel to it, and won't piss ya off and turn a lil' work into a fuck-ton.

I'm uninstalling it right now.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 10th, 2009

Bloody spent the last 5 months animating the motherfucker and then I loose it all.
It was less then an hour away from being uploaded onto NG, but then I get the "flash does not have enough memory" error message and the scene with the actual episode on it hates me and the timeline and stage for it don't even appear. (see screenshot of saddness)

I can't even get to the timeline to try to copy everything to a new blank document. So much work for NOTHING - complete waste of time animating for months. It just goes to show that the more effort I put into something the higher chance their is it blows up in my face.

If ANYONE has ANY idea how to solve this problem ANY help would be EXTREMELY appreciated.
I've googled and googled solutions and asked quite a few people now.

So now I am left with these options...
1. Remake Duders Episode 2 from the ground up.
2. Fuck it and make a few Duder shorts.
3. Make Duders Episode 3 instead.
4. Take a break from the Duders.
5. Take a break from flash.

After I cool down in a week or so I'll probably begin work on something.

Anyway in other news I'm trying to get a job with Valley Television - Everyone wish your fav mullet-man luck! If I get this I'm finally in the film business. Plus if I get myself an actual job I can get the fuck out of university and start makin' money and not spendin' it!

And one final thing.........
I am insanely, super, hugely, more then I can express, INCREDABLY, full-out, very, very, very...
very... sorry to ALL of NG for fucking up Duders ep2.
This was my greatest work yet that you people deserved! I don't even care wheither it would've won awards or not. I promise (even if I gotta break it into parts) I will get these bloody episode done and onto NG one day!

Duders Ep2 was done...

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - January 12th, 2009

DuderEntertainment.com has some new treats for ya. First off their's a bunch of desktops and a few gif images on the downloads page.
If you still haven't seen this yet - you should check it out. (especially if ya don't no what the Duders are about.)
The article section is done too. I "highly" suggest ya check out Baked Animation if you're curious on how I do my Duder thing.

Big thanks out to all who voted on The Duders: Sword Shavin'! I've had the script for that one for almost a year now and it was great to dig it up and bring it to life.

The Duders Ep2 will be released anytime between now and April 20th. (4:20)
And here's one of the gif images from the downloads page. (Wolfs War fans might like this one. :3)


/* */

More New Site Junk, Baked Animation, and Duders Ep2 release date.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 27th, 2008

Sup NG!

Got some new music for ya.
- Smokin' Marijuana!
- Tonight This World Don't Exist!

Anyone remember that odd song Unsane I made? Well it was the only thing that worked for what I was whippin' together. And here's a music vid (I got my HD cam out and decided to screw around.)

/* */
And before I go I shall wish ya'll a Merry ho ho and much thanks to all who voted on The Duders: Wolfs War! - it got a much better score then I thought it would and the reviews weren't what I expected either - thanks guys!

Oh, there's a few site updates.
First, if you have no clue what the story behind The Duders is when ya watch 'em I heavily suggest checking out the new Duder Bios.
Wanna know how things work in the background of Duder Entertainment? Find out on the Staff page.

And finally I finally got the Article page up. Why not read some of 'em? (I'll add new ones every now and then)

This is my last news post of this year I notice so uh... here's to another good year. This year the Duders won their first award and I'm proud. Maybe '09 will have wonders and treasure in store for me. :3

Big thanks to Duder fans out there and I hope you guys continue to show support.
Alright, I got to LOL with friends and smoke some herb. Peace NG! Enjoy!

More music, a music video, & site updates. :D

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 24th, 2008

Hey sup NG!
I was bored today while waitin' for a big fancy dinner so I pulled out the video camera and filmed some shit, then spent a few annoying hours editing what I filmed with random junk I had, suffered through a few computer crashes, and finally converted the file to the best possible format for your viewing pleasure and mine. :3

The song I used was Unsane - not my fav of my songs but, it worked out well I feel.

Enjoy! This is my first music video type thing I've ever made and it's the first time I've really done somethin' with my HD cam I got.

/* */
Have a good one! Peace!