I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 35, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,954 / 9,340
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.05 votes
Police Captain
Global Rank:
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - November 6th, 2007

Site launched! XD (Finally!)
Me and John put a bit of work into it and managed to get-r-done. I'm still changing things around and have a long list of junk to add and edit.Anyway I'm happy. Just getting a few big things for the site done then it'll be back to focusing 100% on The Duders: Episode 1.
Now check out dat site! :P

Current Projects!
Darryl's been on my ass about making a Metal Slug tribute game with MTCaptain shootin' up a bunch of aliens or somethin'. I think that would be fun to make/play so I've been drawin' up concepts and junk for it.
All other games (including the Mullet King one) are on hold for now.
Tryin' to get some work done on Duders EP1 here while workin' on the site. Kind of funny actually. I ain't makin' it in order at all. lol An ending part here, begining there, and some middle bits over there. Bottum line though it's getting there... slowly.
All other junk is on hold.

Personal Life!
No more stomach flu yay! ^^ But so much work. @.@
I'm quite happy right now. Got the site up, got lots of praise for it by cool poeples, and figured out my hot ex-girlfriend is into me agian. :)

Now then... go to Darryl's userpage and spam the shit outa him telling him to get off his ass and make some music for The Duders & the site. >:)

Also: Donations would be nice. :3

Update: I've been havin' fun makin' cool pics and junk by combining flash with other programs like photoshop or fireworks and I'm really liking how their turning out. (example below)

Weekly Update & Site Launched!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 30th, 2007

Well my account was hacked a while ago but thanks to Tom & Ross it`s all under control now. :3
Anyway the site may be launched soon. John and I are screwin `round with some last moment touch ups and tryin`to dig up any money we can for it.

Current Projects!
Got a Mullet King game as a side project in the works right now. Turning out pretty nice actually. Wish I could say the same `bout an MTCaptain game in the works. I`m stuck on afew scripts which I`m trying to figure out. Since I`m stuck I`m putting it to the side for a while.
Workin`on Duders Ep1. Got lil`bits of it done here and there. Touching up everything a lil`too. I`m tryin`to fit each character in it. It`s pretty much the introduction episode where you get the idea of who each of the guys are and how they act. Take Johhno for example. He`s the guy who lives infront of his computer and its 4 screens. Often looking at furry and never real says much.
Other then that theirs another Duders short in the works. Got it as a side project right now though. My goal is to get this EP done by the mid december. Have this years supply of Duderness go out with a bang!

Personal Life!
I need a beer.... I also have the stomach flu right now. Which is good and bad. Good because more free time resting while working on Duders EP1. And bad as I`m missing a lot of school now and most likely falling behind. :(

And now I leave you with a screeny from The Duders:Ep1 of a shot of Johhno infront of his computer. I`m probably goin`to touch up that scene later today. :P

Why not buy some Duders merchindise?
Or Duder Entertainment merchindsie?
Or maybe even just donate a buck or two?

All the money we`re getting is going towards better programs, the site, and more equipment for both the computer and audio recording.

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 20th, 2007

This 24th I'll release both Duder games with or without sponsorship. I can't hold on to these much longer! :P Anyway as soon as I get the money I'll be launching the site. So in the mean time I'll polish it up a lil'.

Current Projects!
Workin' on an MTCaptain game right now along with a Mullet King game for lulz. Me and Braydon have put our game project aside and are thinkin' of finally startin' production on a bigtime project. A side scroller shooter with 10+ lvls, bosses, collectables, the works. That's goin' to be a 5-8 month project though. So don't expect it this year. I think we'll be putting it as a side project most of the time to get other things done quicker.
Workin' on The Duders: EP1, FOR REAL THIS TIME! Not the script, the actual toon. It feels great. :D I got most of the voice acting done for it. It's goin' to be a while though. I got no more free time until winter vacation. So that's like 'bout 30 hours every weekend (NO SLEEP FOR ME!) and the odd 3-4 hours after school.
Other then that I might whip out another short. I spent the whole day today makin' this.

Personal Life!
Been a lil' on the emo side thinkin' of a sad future and all. I decided to finally just ignore it and focus on graduation and moving out this summer. Other then that I talked to Tom a while ago. (Been a year since I talked to him almosty. :P) Anyway he's been updated on the Duders and still knows they exist. So I'm happy and am planning to just keep bein' productive. ^^
Been talkin' to the regs at the Flash Reg Lounge. for the last few months. Awesome guys. Just awesome. :3
Darryl and John have been into PORTAL lately. I'm getting addicted to. I made it to level 29 so far on PORTAL: The Flash Version.
And finally I leave you with a cool picture of a future tatoo of mine. Just minus the BG. Just the Dragon-Girl and her pet Dragon. This baby is goin' on my lower back on the left. (As soon as I get the money...)

Jay's Trippin' Dash! and Hentai Time! have both been released. I didn't get any sponsorship deals because everyone was "too busy" with stuff. Anyway it's cool cause it's not about the money, it's about the laughs, the fun, and all that other crap.
I released them a day earlier then I was planning too as a treat. ^^
I'm... disappointed about the scores...
Jays Trippin' dash I can understand 'cause I half-assed the art/animations. So I take the low score as punishment. As for hentai time... Just because I didn't put actual hentai in it poeple downvoted it to the shit.... (sigh) fucks sake.
I think I'll make 1 more game then entirely focus on EP 1.

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - October 6th, 2007

Finally I managed to get a MasterCard. I already bought some Duder E. merchindise. ^^ Anyway I've sent out various emails to flash sponsors for The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash. Now in all honestly the game was more of an experiment for me to force myself to learn Action Scripting. All in all it turned out nicely though it's obvious I slacked off in some points. My next game will be much better.
Once we get money we'll be able to launch the site. It's kind of funny. I haven't even launched it yet and I already want to redesign it.
Also: As you know we make music through programs like Ejay and ACID. Well the local school over here was throwing out some old computers and MIDI sequencers so me and Darryl toke advantage and snagged us a Mac. We got it hooked up sort of under my computer desk. (See pic below.)

Current Projects!
With the big one out of the way I'm focusing on a two-player duder collecting based game which should get done as soon as I figure out the programming for it and get the intro animation finished. I'm also working on a Mullet King game which I don't plan on getting sponsorship for. As I feel the Mullet King is a character I made for NG. So sponsorship outside of NG feels wrong. It'll be a 2 level game. The first level will be short and be centred around collecting objects, the second level will be your basic avoid this and that. Both will be timed.
Braydon and I are workin' on a neat game together too. One that'll test you reflexes and etc. It'll be a while before it's finished though. With school we're trying to get cool flash done while actually passing for a change.
I should get my act together and at least finish a Duders short I was working on a while ago. Other then that for a change of pace I got a Mullet King toon under production. It won't really be a comedy though. I decided to make something creepy instead. Their's a bunch of scripts layin' around too. In 2 months their'll be a 2 week winter vacation. Expect some stuff then 'cause then I'll have actual time!

Personal Life!
I'm all out of pickles... FOR NOW!

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - September 27th, 2007

Well I was suppost to get a mastercard a few days back but, the website at the Speedy Cash place where I am tryin' to get it was down so I had to wait till they fixed it. Then when they did fix it me and Darryl had to wait over 45 mins. only to hear they have a new problem now. So the wait for the mastercard continues. Once I got one the site will be luanched and maybe some other stuff.

Current Projects!
Yeah, the Weekly Update was late this week 'cause I've been bustin' my ass on The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash. It's really close to bein' done. I just got a few more cutscenes and one last bit of programming. Hopefully by next week it should be finished. Though looking back on this project I started it just for somethin' to do out of boredum and then it grew. This Project became more of a test and learning experince. I've learned a lot about Actionscripting from it so I'm pretty happy 'bout that. Though I'm worried the game may not do too well. Even so I'll make it up. We currently got 3 games under production, 1 on hold, and one still in the concept/planning phase.
I got 'bout 5 or so scripts for Duder Episodes. I got the Voice acting done for one and have started the animation for it. Once I finish up a game or two I'll whip one of 'em up durring a month or so. We've had to rethink lot's of things due to problems with certaint characters and unreliable poeple.

Personal life!
Started choppin' wood and makin' fires in the fireplace for heat lately. It saves me from the heat bill. I'm still eatin' pickles too. Now they're actually ready so it's somewhat healthy! Me and some of the guyz are makin' plans to move in together. Maybe by this summer I could talk to the judge and get me enouph money for a down payment for a crap shack or somethin'. We ain't doin' the appartment thing. If we all move into a place together then we're gonna be plannin' to stay in that place for a while.


I entered the

Madness Day '07 contest. I was surprised at how well my entry scored. Even though it's been downvoted well over 0.15 now I still am proud. All the nice reviews bring a smile to my face and a lovely boost of confidence. Not sure if it did good due to the Madness Fanbase or just my take on Madness. Oh well. Still good. It also makes up for the last 2 or 3 low scoring flashes of mine. :P

Check it out!

Don't forget, if your bored and can spare some moneys you can visit that lil' freewebs site I set up for the time being and donate to Duder Entertainment or buy some merchindise if ya find somethin' ya like.

And finally... NG Mullet-King? 0.o

Update: If any of ya'll noticed I'm starting to upload all the music I made for Jay's Trippin' Dash on the Audio Portal. Mainly because I'm whippin' up the last 2 short cutscenes today! So expect it sometime this week!

Update2: Hurray The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash is finished! ...Thought I admit I got a lil' lazy and rushed around the end. Oh well, still a good game I think. I emailed it to armorgames already. So now begins the wait. Once they get back to me and we get the payment settled I'll touch it up a bit and upload it.
I hear armorgames pays well too... Hehe, I won't be eatin' pickles for dinner this week! :)

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - September 5th, 2007


I'm back at school right now... Got some cool classes mostly just pissed about not being able to sleep and mostly happy to have a reason to go outside and hang with friends. Anyway me and John have been tryin' to figure out the whole site thing. I'm getting a mastercard this friday. Once that happens I can manage my PayPal, Merchindise Profits, and pretty much all my money a lot easier. We figured we'd make the site completely in flash since it would be easier because we don't have the time but mostly don't feel like makin' HTML's and crap. So we decided with a flash site. Don't worry it won't be entirely flash. We'll have forums and maybe an uploader on it too. The site will be featuring the basics. It'll have lists with links to all 'toons, games, and music. Along with character and real life bios, contact info, online shops, FAQ, history, and regularly updated news posts.

Some poeple say makin' sites with flash is difficult and hard to update but I find it good and "shiney" lookin' and a nice break from the usual HTMLs. :)

Current Projects!

The Duders: Episode 1 was so close to bein' done... 'till my computer crashed and overall screwed up. I lost not only Duders EP 1 but some actual programs such as limewire and one of my anti-viruses. :( Thankfully I didn't lose any other projects. We figured since we're in need of cash it's time we start gettin' back to work on Duder games. So we got 3 Duder games in production right now along with a lil' puzzle game Braydon is whip'n up.

I wanted to hold onto this and make it a surprise but, am too excited!
The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash! A side scroller with simular ol'school platformer gameplay. You play as Jay and have to find your way through 3 levels to get out of a bad drug trip. The game will feature the following:
-Low filesize for fast loading. (May change if we decide to change certaint things but, still should be generally low. EST. Less then 5000KB.)
-Original music made by me (Darryl got lazy.)
-Ending cutscenes with bonus prize if you collect a certaint amount of an item.
-Simple controls
-Funny enemies that you should enjoy running from in fear.

I'm proud of myself for this game actually. Sure I tweened a bit and it features the new style of The Duders that I don't know poeple like or not yet but, the game engine I programmed I'm really proud of. I'm still fixing one glitch but being my first game, I'm really happy and impressed with myself. Though Braydon did help me out a bit with the synax errors and I got help from the Flash Forums too...

Anyway The Duder Episodes aren't on hold. They're just side projects right now that I'm putting a lil' work in from time to time. We're tryin' to get a few good games made, sponsored, and out. We need the publicity and the money!

Personal life!

So tired.... Been barely sleepin'.... Now their's school too.... and I'm liveing off of pickles 'till I get more money.


I've opened a few online shops. I add some more stuff every now and then. I'm in a good mood so I droped the prices of everything down about $0.50-$2.00 for most items. Sure some stuff is more then other flash authors stuff. Maybe by $1.00 but, hey... They're makin' money from sponsorship of their games and prize money of their toons. Plus they probably make a decent amount at they're low prices anyway so they can afford the low prices.

Duder Entertainment Store! (There you can buy all merchindise related to the Duder E. logos and... yeah.)

The Duders Store (There you can buy all merchindise related to The Duders! Some stuff has characters that aren't even in any 'toons yet!)

Making a site and selling merchindise? Don't poeple usually do that AFTER their series or 'toons become popular? Are you some kind of idiot Mr.Mullet-Man?

Yeah, I kind of am. Guess I'm takin' a big risk but hey I have a large amount of confidence in both myself and The Duders. lol I wonder if any famous authors read this or watch any of my stuff... Somehow I can really see them shaking their head at me thinkin' "Oh my...."

(Pic of mass amount of pickles!)(I have 5 whole boxes of 'em!!!)

Weekly Update & Merchindise Sale!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - August 29th, 2007


Woot! My first frontpage was today. It was for The NG Mullet King Fact Generator!
At first I was a lil' bummed out 'cause a lot of poeple weren't gettin' the jokes and sendin' me PMs like "WTF is your problem? How big is your f*ckin' ego?" and shit. Toke a while for poeple to get the joke and how the Mullet King is a character but, it's all good now and poeple have been PMing me with facts, some of which I find really amusing. My fav so far - "The NG Mullet King is so amazing, he can play air guitar in space! NASA is still tryin' to figure out how." I was amazed at how it got 'bout 6000 views the first day too. Then when I logged in this mornin' and saw it on the frontpage I nearly fell off my chair in shock. Even though the flash isn't the best scoring and didn't win me any awards. The fact that I got one of my flashes featured on the frontpage is a new step for me. This whole thing has really given' me the boost I needed. Today me and Darryl were workin' on The Duders Ep 2 while Ep 1 isn't even half way. The original Ep1 wasn't turning out so good. So it's been scraped and we're workin' on a new one that original was gonna be a short. How we figured the series will work is we'll just submit sometimes 3- 5 min short eps with random adventures and the odd 15 min one when we have the time.

Current Projects!
Me and Braydon have been workin' on our first game. Programmin', animating, fighting over coffee, etc. etc. It's all lookin' good minus bein' stuck on a few scripts but we're gettin' it all together. I'll be workin' on Duders Ep1 for the next few days, probably pull a few all-nighters to get it done before school starts.

Johnno and I are workin' on the site. Original I tried out by myself but I know shit about web design. So I get him up and asked him to help. I'm working on some special treats for the site and already sent him a zip folder full of pics and stuff to slap together. As for the custom domain name, we'll have to wait for a few more months for that. In the mean time... We're just gonna host it on tripod or somethin'. :P

Personal Life!
All my friends and members of Duder Entertainment are back. Seems everyones too busy to party now though. So the party at the end of this month was called off. I found out an ol' friend of my Justin is moving back down where I am, and only a block away! So I'm gonna be seein' him more and since he's so close I figured I'd ask him If he wanted to join DE. So of course he says yes and now he's the co-script writer, script editor, and storyliner. ("Storyliner" ...that's a word right?) So he's a big help since I'm not a big fan of writing shit out for an hour, perfecting it and all. So yeah... That's what's up! I would've posted the Weekly Update sooner but I wanted to see if we could get the site up.


I'm redoing the duder character moduls for the LAST time. I'm returning to the classic multiple layers style but with better art and a new style for the faces/eyes. It ain't all gonna be tweens either. I'm continueing with the FBF animation just I decided to go with the best of both worlds and use both.

And finally, if ya got a question, complaint. statement, or somethin' to do with me, my flashes, The Duders, or Duder Entertainment? Ask here or PM me then!


I'm getting a MasterCard soon which means we'll be able to pay for our website domain Darryl got, have a paypal account to accept donations, and we opened our own online store!

Click here to visit our new online store! (This one is the Duder E. one, it has shirts and crap with the Duder E. logo.) (We'll add more soon.)
The Duders online store. (Featuring shirts and crap related to the duders series.

and their's a donate button on that ol' freewebs site. Figured I'd put some use to it.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - August 20th, 2007

Waiting for Darryl to come back on the 27th from training so we can get the domain all figured out.

Current Projects!
Workin' on my Madness Day entry a bit everyday, look forward to Madness Day (Sept 22nd) for it. Also am programming the first duders game, The Duders: Resistance, a parody of
Resistance: Fall Of Man I also got somethin' for The Flash 'Reg' Lounge's birthday.(August 28th). Duders episode is still on hold, I'm gonna be submitting another duders short sometime this month using a new art style with it along with the debute of a new duder character.

Personal Life!
School is startin' soon. Which means less time to do work on flash but, this is gonna be my last year so I'm gonna work hard. My classes so far are gonna be this...

-theater Performance 12: Directing & Script-Writing.
-Strength and Conditioning 12.
-Essentials Of mathematics 11.
-Writing 12 (may be changed to Com 12)
-ICP: Computer Programming 12.
-Studio Arts 11: Printmaking & Graphics Design.

So it looks like a good year for me. :) Anyway I still got a party at the end of the month planned where all the dudes at duder entertainment will hopefully be coming. I'm lookin' forward to that. My friend Braydon who I haven't seen nor talked to in over a year and a half has appeared agian. He was over the other day watching 300. To my luck he's been taking alot of programming courses so I am saved from programming. Plus a programmer is exactly what Duder Entertainment needed. Also Ricky is alive agian. Go harass him!

Questions To The Public!
So what does everyone think of the Duders anyway? The jokes, characters, etc. Anything in particular that you think would be good to change or to add?

Randomness: (Screenshot from my madness toon. ^^)

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - August 12th, 2007

The website is pretty much finished. All it's missing is 2 bios, the download section, and the home page posts. However we won't be able to launch it fo a while because Darryl won't be back till the 27th and he is the one with the web domain deal. We also still don't have that domain figured out completely as neither of us have a credit card but, don't worry we promise that by the end of this year we will have that site up and most likely with improvements. If you know a free publishing site though where we could host the site for a few months feel free to post the link in the comment section. John and me already tried tripod but we couldn't get things figured out and their were a few problems.

Current Projects
Expect a new release on the 14th. Nothing special really but it will be a lil' something unexpected. Our clockday submission is almost done so look forward to that also. I've been working on our first game also and have high hopes for it. I'm getting a friend to help with the programming as Action Scripting gives me a painful headach. Once the games done I'll most likely try to get sponsorship from Armor Games and me and my friend will be splitting the money in a reasonable way if we get sponsorship. As for Duders EP.1 production will start agian once the game and clockday submission are finished. I'm also whip'n a lil' somthin' up for NG Day. ^^

Personal Life
I'm actually getting sleep now! I've been going to bed earlier, around 7-9 PM and waking up around 5-8 AM. So I finally am getting sleep agian. Which means more energy to work on flash and stuff, yay! At the end of August or around it anyway, everyone should hopefully be around. Therefore at the end of the month we're all having a party to celibrate half a year of hard work and improvement and beer. Darryl, Ricky, Johnno, Jay, and Trevor will all hopefully be able to make it. We're just gonna set up the PS3 in the living room, pig out on a few snacks, crank some music, and etc.

On a side note summers already almost over but we plan to go out with a bang. My last year of high school is coming up also. I gotta catch up on failled classes for last year still. So I got a lot of work ahead of me but, hey if I fail high school maybe I can move to Philly and become the NG office janitor? That'd be sweet eh? lol

Also, I've almost beaten Resistance: Fall Of Man on it's hardest mode. :P

Note: The 28th is The Flash Reg. Lounge's birthday. ^^

Weekly Update!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - August 5th, 2007

The Duders Episode 1 has been put on hold for a while so I can focus or other projects. Such as The DuderClocks for Clockday & a special lil' something that should be ready by the 14th.

Darryl (MTCaptain) has gone off to soldier training. Read 'bout it in his latest blog entry.
Rick is out camping or something.
Jay is... I'm not sure. He's dead to the internet right now.
Trevor is working on a flash project of his own and is thinking about uploading some of his music in the audio portal finally.

Other then all that stuff all the other projects like the Woe Sage and porject "T.L.P." have been put on hold also. The big projects will most likely be put to the side for a while so I can finish up the side projects. Once all that junk is out of the way I can focus on Duders Ep. 1 and only Duders Ep. 1.

In other news I'm thinking about redoin' the character moduls for The Duders for the 7th time. The whole drawn with the line too and crap doesn't seem so nice anymore. Redrawing them with the paint brush and adding shading I think will make them look alot better and easier to FBF animate.

Also I was bored and started posting comics about the NG mods in the art forum. Check it out if ya want. I've gotten even fan-PMs from them for some odd reason...

Oh yeah, the site is looking even better however if I'm planning to redraw the Duders I might as well redraw some of the site content too right? However I may wait till Duders Ep. 1 is done before redrawing anything. Once the site HTMLs are done and I get it published it'll be nice to get ride of that acursed freewebs link.

Onto my personal life: I'm still pulling a few all nighters and lurking the forums for long periods of time. Don't get confused though I multitask when I lurk. I always have a flash or two I'm workin' on open so I can do some work while waiting for new topics. I've had a craving for FireBall lately... I think I'll give a friend of mine some money for some. I only got $10 right now and have about $50 more coming. Probably rent a game and relax sometime after I get the money. I'm startin' to study for my "L" agian. Hopefully I'll finally pass it this time and won't have to listen to anymore nagging about it.

Well that's the news/updates for this week guys. Till then enjoy the stupidty and here's a pic I original did for the Draw A Cartoon Pic Of Yourself thread in the Art Forums. Anyway this can give you an idea as to what The new Duder character moduls might look like. (Just better... Much better... Hopefully.)

Note: September 17th = NG Day.

Weekly Update!