I am a creator - I love to create. :3

Derek Vandenberg @TheCriminalDuder

Age 34, Male

Animator/Voice Actor


Canada B.C.

Joined on 12/4/06

Exp Points:
8,950 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.05 votes
Police Captain
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TheCriminalDuder's News

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 30th, 2010

I upgraded my computer. Got 400 power watts goin into her along with a new shiny graphics card to play games I couldn't and ones I could better.

However I now have no audio device it says as I was using the built in audio on the motherboard which now doesn't agree with the new power thing so I gotta spend more time and money gettin a sound card soon so I may continue indulging in creating and watching flash here on NG.

So bare with me my boys I gotta fix some shit.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 24th, 2010

The Duders Episode 3 Part 3!

and in case ya missed 'em this month.

The Duders Episode 3 Part 2

and The Duders Episode 3 Part 1

Also I've updated or touched up my site a bit. Theirs new articles and downloads too if ya haven't seen yet.


Enjoy! Indulge! I think it's all pretty good.

Peace NG!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - March 9th, 2010

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(Shit sorry, when I spit 'em into 2 parts I didn't notice the part 2 videos music wasn't readjusted down. Can hear the majority of wheat I say in the last 3 mins but not so important so aint a big worry.)

The Duders: Episode 3 Part 1

The Duders: Episode 3 Part 2

Was my birthday on the 8th and had a peaceful day mostly to myself. :)
Hope ya'll enjoy The Duders. Part 2 of Ep 3 is my fav so far. I recently realized I could've been a cheapo and made part 2 of ep 3 into ep 4 and part 3 into ep 5 and etc. Each part of ep 3 is as long as ep 2 and ep 1 was only 4 minutes which is small compared to the 7 of ep 2 and the 7 of each part of ep 3.

I've been playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Rome Total War on and off between animating and workin on the Duder E. HQ. It's been very busy.

I was really hoping to get part 3 o ep 3 out sooner. But banking, bills, bulshit and all this other junk came up I gotta figure out. It's still going to be bloody awesome.

The Duders is mostly talk talk talk right now but its building up to the action scenes I'm hot for animating in the future. Theirs some action in part but small.

Everyone should watch Exile: Chapter IV - because one, the author is both intelligent and kind hearted, two it has a wonderful almost professional feel (an epic aww that keeps ya watching like a trailer for a sequel to your fav film that dont suck), and three because the animation is full of action, mouthfuls of movement, excellent character expression, and an astonishing artistic capture of the sea in a simple yet perfect form.
I probably am being maybe a bit extra nice but its good and its inspiring as I hope to have action in Duders soon and not just characters in conversations.

Though I need to learn how to not just animate a few arm movements and head pops with the occasional eye movement or blink as well - Eporapter's Mr. Literal is a good example of the potential characters have while being animated in conversation. Huh, feels weird lookin' at Ego as an animator.

In case ya missed it also my Poetry Book Is Complete

I'm insulating the rest of the ceiling then vapor barriering it today after banking and junk is figured out.

And it feels weird being 20 years old posting on a site I've been on for 4 years now. Good times NG - good times.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - February 17th, 2010

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Also 9/`12 scenes done for Duders ep3. :)

I may get replacement voice actors for Scott y and Demenius due to long-term growing complications. Once I get the voices for those characters done I'll most likely release part 1 and 2 of 3 of Duders Episode 3. Then finish it up in the days to come and upload it.

Now for those of ya who don't know while in University studying modern poetry in the beginning of last year I began writing a poetry book. The first 100 pages are over a year of work of experimental poetry inspire by Wordsworth, Yeats, and other great poets. The second 40 page chapter is best described as "Gonzo Poetry" as it is similar to the narratives of the late great Hunter S. Thompson.

Here's a copy of the review for ya'll.

"Coming from the abstract recesses of his mind Derek Vandenberg, the man behind "The Duders" brings forth an eclectic adventure of words that's sure to take you deep down the rabbit hole.

Seemingly birthed out of a born again mad man seeing and interpreting the world and his thoughts for the first time, Colourful Brain Barf & Mind Wanderer is a skull scratching rollercoaster of insanity, psychedelia, and philosophy amalgamated into a collection of poems. His incredible ability to take something as simple as a walk down the street, and reshape into a paranoid narrative about the marvels of our society and technology is outstanding and leaves you with a concise grasp of just how strange the world truly is.

Taking large inspiration from the gripping and fast paced narratives of the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Vandenberg manages to capture and create anew the spirit of his work through what he refers to as "Gonzo Poetry".

For those of you who find interest in tantalizing your minds with lucid narratives soaked in a vat of LSD, then Colourful Brain Barf & Mind Wanderer is definitely for you."

Review by Gunther Mast.

The book is $15.00 Canadian plus shipping and handling. Available at The Duder Entertainment Super Store.

Next blog post I'm going to post pics, vids, and other junk maybe about the construction project that is my future home. Also got the flash game dev itch again and may make another game soon. This time one focused on violence - no runnin around levels or side scrolling, just fighting.

Oh, I am also very excited about Fallout New Vegas - Fallout 3 is amazing however theirs still few settlements and no where near the amount of quests, dialogue, memorial characters, and possible combination's of equipment of that of Elder Scrolls Oblivion of which I am just getting into now. In my understanding New Vegas is Elder Scrolls Fallout - a bigger fallout 3, more alive, and hopefully just as good as a ride as the last.

Also I've been thinking of special guest voice actors for the Duders. I ain't got the money nor connections for Tommy Chong or Bruce Campbell... but, I'd like to bug Luis, Swain, Jeff, Tom himself, Rtil, Weeble, and maybe Egorapter. Others too - be interesting to see who I could get. It just be as random city folk but, random city folk have so much potential. :)

Okay, enough... this blog posting is just type type type - I'm off. Peace.

Duders Ep3 nearly done and BOOK FINISHED!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - January 25th, 2010


Nah that's bulshit, I spent every day last week animating on average 4 to 6 hours every mornin.
Animating what? The Duders Episode 3 The Return and Rereturn of Jay!

Sneak peak pics for your pleasure.

3/12 scenes finished and 2 more nearing completion. Goal is to have it on the flash portal by mid March or sooner. If I keep the pace I got it should only be a couple more weeks.

I also went on a vacation the the beautiful Sun Peaks 4 star resort. Wonderful time.

/* */
Don't really see me boarding I think in this but, theirs me addressing the audience of the camera with some tequila in me. :P

Been figuring out vapor barriers and drywall for my future home. Going to take a vid of the construction soon to share will ya'll.

Ep 3 is turnin out fucking great. I have a lot of fun with visual humor instead of dialogue in this one.

Love ya all! Peace. NG

Guess what I'm workin' on.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 29th, 2009

Sure I'm looking for work again, didn't really celibate the holidays and just hung out, but I got good vibes in me even though I may not have golden horseshoes up my ass.

Did ya miss any of my work this year?

The Duders: Sword Shavin' - awesome Duder short - only short this year, really shows off my new animation style/skills (if any)

The Duders: Episode 2 - I had to spend 5 months making this motherfucker to have it all lost then spend another 4 close to 5 months remaking it from scratch almost. I could have had a lot more work or at least two more shorts or a good part of ep 3 done by now if I didnt fuck up. But shit happens and I got the ep done eventually this year. Check her out and look forward to the next.

Mullet Mans Pickle Quest - fun lil' game I made to test my platformer engine for MTC Cyberspace Assault. I really like this game. the experimental photo-manipulated art was a lot of fun to fiddle with.

The Duders; Sadistic Sabotage - screwed up cause I'm not a programmer and messed up somewhere so this is more of an interactive short then a game from the game over screen not working. Play it angrily like that or enjoy being immortal Val on shrooms killing shit.

Cute Madness 3 - ya know I'm going to keep making these and they're going to get more violent, more bloody, more crazy, and more insane each year. By 10 I'll start to worry 'bout myself.

MTC CYBERSPACE ASSAULT big project I didnt think I'd finish this year. Originally was workin on this on the sides durring animating the 3rd episode of Duders. Turned out wonderfully. The writing, voice acting, music, and gritty rough Duder art comes together greater then imagined.

Now, I'll be buggin' myself to draw up some arts for the art portal and to help my chances getting into the art portal - because I am just as much as an artist as a lot of people here and I feel I deserve to be in this portal as well - so I'll earn it. So I'll crap out art after art 'til someone spots a good one or enough people do and recommended me for the dang thing.

I've been wanting to try painting again but gotta buy paints or let go and digital paint as odd as it is for a first timer.

FFfffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccc cckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I hope that review for my poetry book gets done soon. Been sitting here waitng for stuff - waiting has been my job. Loggin' onto NG everyday checking - waiting for I don't even know what, something, - waiting for book reviews to start sellin, waiting for electricians for my future home, waiting til cool video games to buy come out, waiting til a good job in the employment part of the paper appears, waiting, waiting, waiting..

Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh........... bOOOOOOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiI IIIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNgggggGG GGGGGG.... I'm slamming back more coffee, then singing some songs, try to draw without my hand shaking at the speed of sound, and do more something, do somethings, no more waiting. Or at least doing somethings until the waiting for whatever is done.

You go do something to. Why are you reading this? How do you know lifes a dream, everythings a dream, and I'm not part of it telling you the go play or do something?

No more waiting - wheres that coffee pot. Oh, there's a bong here too? :)

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 22nd, 2009


I'm getting good feedback. Sorry for some errors - I've fixed a bunch though.
Errors left are small errors so prepare to enjoy a good ride.

I'm getting a review done for my poetry book and then I'll have it available for anyone interested online.
Still hunting for an electrician to give electrical life to my future homey home.
Looking forward to MAG myself - looks stimulating.

Thanks so much for all the great reviews, the views, and givin' the game a chance.
The Duders Episode 3 is due sometime within the first few months of next year. Might hammer out another game on the side. And always unexpected shit I'll loudly announce weeks before its release.
Hoping to start on my first big film project too.

Now everyone go eat firecrackers (marijuana sprinkled on peanut butter between two crackers, wrapped in tin foil and cooked at 320 Degrees for 20 minutes in the oven) cause they're a great tasty treat for ONCE AND A WHILE. Remember that eating a plant is much safer then lighting a plant on fire and inhaling the fumes, though eating Cannabis gets ya higher cause your body digest and turns the THC into a more psychoactive chemical.

Now firecrackers are a small step, it's actually a tiny budge. Okay the firecrackers are fucking optional and I just discovered these amazing things and wanted to squeeze sharein' 'em in this message, but the big thing is everyone who hasn't seen the show SuperJail is not complete. Ten minute episodes and only 11 eps in the only one season thus far. Wonderful cartoon. Wiki or google.

Now I must go off into my mullet dreams.

Play The Duders: MTC CyberSpace Assault!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - December 1st, 2009

Featuring the amazing musical talent of Invisibleobserver, Awesome Dan, and Smoking Frog.

With Darryl Featherstone's voice acting skills giving life to MTCaptain, accompanied with my own as supporting character Val.

Play through a total of TEN levels of side scrolling Duder destruction and chaos.
Includes a short and sweet 3 lvl tutorial, 4 bosses including the furious final, HP pick ups, and upgrades and surprises near the end.

Take control of MTCaptain - leader of the Duders, owner of their grow op., grower of good weed, and explosive loving super-soldier.
This time it's different though. No lives, one checkpoint near end, and one MTCaptain.
Will you be able to marathon over half the game and reach the checkpoint?
Will you be able to defeat the furious final boss after?

In The Duders: MTC Cyberspace Assault, you (MTC) are sent into a virtual reality training program designed by Johno with Val's help for MTC... however shortly after getting through part of the game the simulation becomes infected. MTC must complete the simulation despite the virus and get out before the virus begins to jumble his consciousness.


Personal comments - I've been lovin' this game, it's turnin out great, no glitches have surfaced I haven't been able to fix, and the story of MTC bein' in a virtual reality allows me to make all kinds of levels. BAM! Underground. BAM! Skyscrappers. BAM! Desert!

Project Anchorage - the Fallout 3 add on months ago gave me the idea to pop MTC in a simulation pod of my own. Once in the world I made however, my old love of .Hack or Dot.Hack came back - inspiration from the old .Hack games and series. (Not .Hack//G.U.), The game itself is fairly fun, but the story is excellent and enjoyable for everyone. Yes, you'll still find a joint or two in the game to pick up for health so theirs some healthy pot references, but unlike The Duders: Sadistic Sabotage, drugs don't play a role in the story and are rarely mentioned.
(Just cause I toned some things down - doesn't mean I didn't tone some things up! :3)

Oh, right... and it's obviously drawn, animated, and somehow programmed by me.

Keep an eye out. I'm pushin, tryin' and strivin' to get this done this month for ya'll. Also am goin' to try to get sponsorship - maybe Newgrounds will sponsor it!? Eh Tom? Eh? Eh? :D

Squeezing some work in for Duders Ep3 also. Not enough for screenshot worthyness though. The idea is to have it done in the beginin' of next year or during May.

Oh hey, new in the Duder Store - Duder E. Stickers and the Duders: Jay T-Shirt (dark).
And since I've just got another level in Cyberspace Assault done, I will reward myself with some Fat Princess on PS3. Peace NG.

UPDATE DEC 2: My testers tell me its too hard. So I've added checkpoints throughout the game to make things easier. Also be known that the game has an easy learning curve - ya may die a few times but'll get the hang of it quick. Checkpoints are at the end of each boss every 3 lvls.

Coming Soon - The Duders: MTC Cyberspace Assault!

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - November 16th, 2009

Anyone see my last post? It was filled with a list of my fav Duder toons. For those interested.

Approaching my fourth year already. :O

I'm excited about things - things that will actually come. I still can't believe how much far behind I am from Duders ep2, the original one anyway, being lost the beginning of this year. It seems the force of flash is pushing back or perhaps karma is just munching my ass.

I have an announcement. For those that do not know I have (since May) been turning my garage into a livable home. Digging, framing, roofing, and paying people to do these things. :P Anyway it's coming to finally. Soon I'll be in The Lab. The voice of MTC - and my future roommate plans to unleash his own Youtube show soon. We have lots of plans ready to take action once in there.
I'll make a video about this crazy construction journey to show ya'll.

Me? I'm trying to pay bills, keep goals up, stay motivated or get more, workin' on my book, a game, a episode, a film script, (I refuse to let a day end without putting a few hours in something), and as always I'm thinking a lot.

Questions and comments always welcomed.

Oh shit, was going to end it... this post here, but you see their is an empty bottle of tequila and an empty bottle of wisers black label whiskey, both with stories... I wish to tell, but must resist.
Missed 4:20 today cause I was framing the back wall - well actually I was the gopher boy for my buddy framing it. :P

Peace NG. I've had an eventful day.

I'm back for an edit/update and with something nice.

There is no word for the knowledge - the thing each person gets from psychedelics, the special thing unlocked that lets them perceive differently then others, think without limits, and indescribable self-realizations or epiphanies... so I'll give it a name since no one has.

I can best call it a wisdom and love of life in a purest most mightiest form.

Sophia; the Greek word for wisdom
Eros; the Greek word for love
Zoe; the Greek word for life

Sophiaerozoe (soh-fee-uh-er-ozoh-ee); a wisdom and love of life itself, unlocked by psychedelic drug use.

Wow, I can do that blog front page thing.

Posted by TheCriminalDuder - November 1st, 2009

New articles up!

Bring on the Clones! - we need to get a clonin'.
Life Ponders - some pondering of life from me a.k.a. oddball person speak.
Police for Police - a very serious article about how we need police for our police.
Space Colonization - colonize that space shit!
Is Fake Treasure Possible? - old article about what makes us happy and does danger need to be involved in the happiness quest or adventure fix?
some self-ish resume type bulshit thing updated sometimes, and what not.

Who's been watching the Duders? Here's some favorites from the creator himself.

The Duders: Emo Farm - see how it all started with the first Duder short

Jay vs. Val 1! - Chibi Jay v. Chibi Val in a DBZ battle type parody of awesomeness!
The Duders: Jay's Trippin' Dash! - it really is quite fun.
The Duders: Breasts! great Duder stupidity.
The Duders: Demenius Darkness - somehow if ya do a google search ya'll can see this on a lot of sites all without my permission...
The Duders: Val and MTC's Epic Adventure - it's a fun flash - live action mix.
The Duders: Weather! MTC hates the weather and this is the only thing I've ever won an award for on here so if anything ya give a chance and actually watch give this one a gander.
The Duders: Huntin' Time! It's score is 4.20 - 4/20 - 4:20, Four-twenty - excuse to hit your bong created.

And of course.

Episode 1!

Episode 2!

Oh, and here`s another screeny shot of MTC in the next upcoming Duder game this year. PEACE!

Update: Tryin to remove all the fullpage ads from DuderEntertainment.com for your viewing pleasure.

Explosion of Articles of Jumping Lava for Joints!